martes, abril 26, 2005

High Time to blog, me merry men.

Yes, it is indeed that time of the week again, I search my head for any interesting goulash, and you guys get the bits of stuff n fluff that actually comes out. Poor, poor Piglet.

Rambling Bunny #1: School.

Well, I could tell you about IUK. I registered for school a couple weeks back with the ol' timers. So on orientation in May I won't have to line up with the high schoolers and get whaky times or anything. Well, except that I've now got classes every day of the week (not counting whenever my newspaper meetings will be). And for three days in the week I have be in a class at 8:30. 8:30 AM, that is. So some would call that a little wacky. In the Fall, I'm going back to school as a full time student (with a picture ID and everything, yeay me!). I'll be taking 12 hours and 5 different classes: Comp Sci 100, English Lit 202, English Writing 132, Journalism ("Write more articles you dog!"), and Spanish 203. Cool beans, eh?

Rambling Bunny #2: El periódico (newspaper)

It appears that in order to participate with the Correspondent, I have to re-apply every semester. Alrighty, that's cool. I had been talking with the Faculty Advisor (the grownup involved with the paper) and she had wanted to see me take on a more active role. She advised that I sign up for an editors position so that I have a regular column in the paper to write and more imput into the paper's direction. Alrighty, thought me, Editor. I can do that. So we signs up and what does we get??? (paraphrase :P) Dear Candace, that's very nice and all, but we're going to put you as the Arts and Entertainment Editor. Yes, you'll still have to report on more of the same artsy happenings but with this job you keep tabs on each Music CD review, each Movie review, each art event review. In short, my dear, you shall now oversee the content for an entire page of the paper. The Arts and Entertainment's page in it's entirety is now your responsibility. Have fun.


How should I look at this?
On the one hand, an honor. This is an honor. They know that I'm helpful and proactive (read: annoying) so they put me over people so that I'll get on their case and stuff will get done. They know that I like covering the cultural spotlight, so they further facilitated this desire by giving me an excuse to find out stuff. College papers are designed to give the student body a voice, and to provide a platform for those students dedicated to writing and school spirit. I have been asked to accept a senior position so that my impute can help decide the direction of all of the paper. What a plum!
On the other hand, does this just mean that they put a freshman in a new position because no one cares and whatever happens in this paper doesn't matter anyway? Does this publication make a difference? Are they simply so desperate and deprived of any writers that they are past caring about skill? Stuff, however, happens for a reason. God has his own good will in mind, so I think I'll drop this "other hand" because I know there's a point to it somewhere.

::comes back to writing after 15 violin practice:: Blah!! all internal contemplation beside, what we have here is a little adventure. This position has never existed before, I'm in it now. Let's you and me see what happens here

Rambling Bunny # 3: tHE rANDOM rABBITS

uno: I was transferring change from one little purse to another and I drooped a coin under my dresser. To my eternal befuddlement, I was unable to locate it when on my tummy looking. Unless I move the dresser with all it's clothes inside and hair stuff on top, I shall never know what kind of coin it is, or whither it went. Who knows, it may even be a quarter. ::sniffles::

dos: Well, it's time for another Spanish class Community event. This time? Restaurant of course!!!! (Yes just like last time, even the same restaurant.) Only prob is that right after we order, we have to speak total, constant Spanish for 20 full minutes, and if we use English in the slightest way to communicate - we get a grade of 60. Bummer. 20 minutes has suddenly become a long time.

tres: The B flat scale is downright ornery!!!! (especially for the poor family members for who have to hear it parsed, arpeggioed, and generally slaughtered 4 days a week).

Well, hope you found something in here worth commenting on.

Until the butter flys, my dears

6 comentarios:

quirky dijo...

first of all, that's an absolutely wicked scheme made by your spanish teacher to get you to speak in spanish. i would so get a 60. or a 20 for talking in english twice. more power to ya.

and by the way, B-flat major scales are the best. very easy and comfortable to play. after all, it is only two flats.

Suzanne dijo...

So anyone who wants to become more artsy or cultured than you already are - Canny's your man.

Congrats to you, my dear. And I have no doubt that the IUK staff can recognize a fine writer when they see one. (But that's just me.)

quirky dijo...

canny's your GIRL! :-P

Luddie dijo...


You know that's exactly what I'm doing this year and next year. Well, actually you have more responsibility than I do, since you actually have to "editize" a full page of the paper.

That is so wicked cool!

Anónimo dijo...

I think it is because they recognize a good writer when they find one. Congratulations are definitely in order. I love to read of your exploits. Love to all.

C. Bright dijo...

You chaps are the best!