viernes, septiembre 21, 2007

You have been looking in google for far too long when your image searches for Silas Marner come up with this:

someone please explain this to me.

2 comentarios:

Feanor dijo...

What's to explain, its an eccentric rabbit who's name just so happens to be Silas. Which makes sense really, I mean what else would you name an eccentric rabbit? Besides Nugent of course.

Girl_Friday dijo...

i agree. The only logical explanation is that the poster of the above picture intended to make the caption: "silent mariner", because rabbits are notoriously good swimmers, though not very vocal about it (humility, you see).

Thanks for your's always nice to know someone else feels what you are feeling.

Now, if i haven't frightened you away from commenting on my blog ever again, then i suppose we shall get along nicely.
And, yes, i will blame Josh...he made me fat, old, and bitter...but that's another story.